Join us for our 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service – In Person and Online:


You can join us via Zoom each Sunday:  LELJBC Online Service Link

Meeting ID: 880 5330 7716, Passcode: dqP9jh

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC), Meeting ID: 880 5330 7716, Passcode: 786311

Our Pastor

Rev. Dr. Rickey Nelson Jones is the founder and pastor of Living Exactly Like Jesus Baptist Church. As a catechized, well-educated Reverend, Pastor Jones assures all who attend Living Exactly Like Jesus Baptist Church, with an open heart and open mind to learn the truth, that they will learn GOD’S Word contextually and understand Jesus is Lord and Savior.

Welcome to Our Church

Living Exactly Like Jesus Baptist Church is based in Columbia, Maryland. Our pastor is Reverend Dr. Rickey Nelson Jones. As a ministry, we believe in living a holy life that is Christ-centered. It is important to obey His Word and accept Him as well as His will for us. Please preview our Profile Video below. We are pleased to also extend membership to those who wish to join us as “virtual” members; online membership is further discussed on the Join page.

Who We Are

We greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is with Jesus’ joy that we share how the Lord has been advancing the Kingdom of God. God does indeed have a ministry in existence with people whose principal focus is keeping their conduct “in line” with GOD’S Holy Word, which is why the ministry is named Living Exactly Like Jesus Baptist Church.

Worship, Learn and Grow with us...

We pray that GOD places on your heart to join us in a ministry where Jesus reigns supreme and is emphasized above everyone and everything.

The worship services are every Sunday, with recorded sermons and other resources available on our Sermons page. We have a number of opportunities and activities to keep you engaged!


What We Assure

  • The Pastor lives a holy, clean, life


  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached in context, researched, and without “clowning” or fear
  •  The Bible is open and our eyes are on the letter of GOD’S Holy Word as we learn HIS Way for our lives

Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Lord's Supper: 1st Sun during Morning Worship
Sunday/Church School: 1st & 3rd Sun at 8:15 a.m.
Online Fellowship:  1st & 3rd Wed from 6 to 7p.m.
Bible Study: 2nd & 4th Wed -- 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Contact Us:
8815 Centre Park Drive, Suite 140
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Phone: 443-319-5666

Living Exactly Like Jesus